
HCI: Emergency Campaign Branding
For more than 40 years, HCI has worked to support those in need. From providing crucial aid to starving children and mothers during the 1983 East Africa famine to sponsoring thousands of orphans in countries around the globe, HCI has made a significant impact on countless lives during emergency relief campaigns.
The problem:
For a fast and consistent response to emergencies, media coverage, and fundraising events, we created the
Ummah Alert Brand,a sub-branding campaign that will focus only on dealing with emergency relief and crisis situations around the globe. At this moment, this campaign is supporting the Morocco Earthquake Emergency,
the Lybia Floods Relief and the Palestine Orphans Assistance.
My role:
Co-designed a campaign branding for the 2023 HCI donation seasons, with the collaboration of the designers: Nayeem Hussain and Fiqri Ramli, while working at the Process Plus Marketing Studio, Canada.
After brainstorming and defining brand color palette, typography and layout, we applied the brand guidelines to the full spectrum of the marketing campaign, including stationary, donor forms for print, web banners, posters, swags, caps... This was a quick branding campaign with a fast turnaround of collateral's that were approved and launched in 2023.

HCI’s brand identity is symbolized by its distinctive logo, with colour variations of red, burgundy,black & white.
The word ‘UMMAH’ translates to ‘COMMUNITY’ in English, and in an effort to promote inclusivity, we have positioned the English translation across the Arabic term to emphasize their synonymous meaning. While we recognize that HCI’s primary audience is the Muslim community, it is crucial to ensure that English-speaking audiences can also comprehend and feel a connection to these campaigns and events. This inclusivity fosters a broader reach, ultimately contributing to increased donations and exposure to new and diverse segments of the global population.

• Timeframe and deadlines for printing assets for city in-person events;
• Revamped design to connect with audience on both warm and cold seasons;
• High-quality marketing collateral's to increase overall donations.

A consistent look & feel provided by a series of composite images made with original photography from each country that HCI helps with donations. For the summer campaign, the HCI member is carrying a brown cardboard box that symbolizes the necessary provisions that the organization provides in these emergency responses, like food aid, medical supplies, clothes and basic hygiene materials. For the winter variation, we selected impactful taglines with personalized images depicting beneficiaries bracing harsh winter conditions. The goal is to get donations for specific items that are necessary during winter months, such as food, water, blankets, clothing, hygiene items, fuel and heating, and medical assistance.

How: Process Plus Studio, CANADA.
What: Human Concern International HCI.
Who: Juliana Camargo.
When: 2023.
Industry: Branding & Marketing Campaign.