
E-Book - The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: What the Brazilian Research has to say
E-book back cover info:
Understanding and managing the complex interaction between water, energy and food is considered to be one of the major challenges of the 21st century. As global projections indicate that the demand for these resources will increase significantly in the next decades under the pressure of population growth, urbanization, economic development, climate change, diversifying diets and lifestyles, cultural changes and technological transformation, developing sustainable solutions that guarantee resource security became paramount (Hoff, 2011).
In this book, we aim to gather academic researchers that bring empirical and theoretical elements to critically reflect on how the concept of the nexus is being incorporated into research in Brazil, and whether and how the nexus is making any contribution to enhance knowledge in different scientific fields. Their contributions also shed light on what are the main societal problems in the Brazilian context that the nexus is helping to better understand and find possible sustainable solutions.
This book is a collection of the final thesis of almost 90 post-doctoral researchers from different countries that were investigating the nexus between water-energy-food production in the Brazilian context. I was provided with the final and approved book document, which was organized by Fabiano Moreira, one of the researchers, and the design process took over 1 month and a half, counting revisions and adjustments.
The e-book was published in May of 2022 by the University of Sao Paulo, the highest ranked University of Brazil.
Check out full e-book by clicking here.

How: Freelance Project
What: Full e-book design
Who: Fabiano de Araújo Moreira
When: 2022
Industry: Editorial - Publishing